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4 Ways to Play the Self-Driving Truck Boom (5-minute read) Self-driving trucks are likely to be a reality in the next few years. And as this self-driving truck boom barrels down for us, there are four companies you can own to profit.
Tesla reported a stunning fourth profit in a row — and it’s now a shoe-in for the S&P 500. TSLA bears beware! Jobless Claims Rise; Tesla’s Surprise; Twitter Flies
by Joseph Hargett July 23, 2020 Great Stuff
Something Witty This Way Comes Welcome to Reader Feedback day here at Great Stuff! We’ll get to your questions and reply to your smart remarks in short order — seriously, some of you have potty mouths! But first, there are earnings reports, a few provisos, a couple quid pro quos to address: Weekly Jobless Claims […]
Roku — gatekeeper of media devices, crown of the online streams — controls its own destiny. And it's Roku's kingdom to defend. Rating Roku; Lockheed Ahead; Coke Chokes
by Joseph Hargett July 21, 2020 Great Stuff
Online Streaming of Consciousness Online streaming: America’s favorite pandemic pastime. In terms of popularity, streaming ranks just ahead of playing video games and shopping for useless junk online out of boredom. You wouldn’t know it by its stock price, but Roku Inc. (Nasdaq: ROKU) is probably the biggest player in online streaming right now. Over […]
Wall Street is bubbling up big-time. Now’s not the time to be greedy. Now’s the time to get your stocks in a row and keep your powder dry. Stocks’ Bubble Bobble; Straight Outta Oxford; Nikola Now
by Joseph Hargett July 20, 2020 Great Stuff
Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble I had a rather disturbing revelation this weekend, dear reader … one I haven’t had since the 2008 financial crisis. On Saturday, I was minding my own business, playing video games online to wind down from the week. You know, social distancing and all that. Nothing out of the usual. […]
Elon Musk Finally Stopped Blowing It Investors are just now waking up to the electric vehicle future because Elon Musk finally stopped blowing it.

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