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Despite our problems, we in America have much for which to be grateful. Thanksgiving reminds us that there always is hope that life can be better. Thanksgiving and Its True Meaning November 23, 2017 by Bob Bauman Trending Despite our problems, we in America have much for which to be grateful. Thanksgiving reminds us that there always is hope that life can be better.
Investors devote countless hours searching for stock market indicators. However, they rarely consider, demographics, an important long-term indicator. The Best Long-Term Indicator You Never Looked At November 22, 2017 by Michael Carr Global Economy Investors devote countless hours searching for stock market indicators. However, they rarely consider one of the most important long-term indicators.
An important thing to look at when gauging our economy is the overall consumer confidence outlook. Right now, that outlook is extremely positive. Consumer Confidence Leads the Stock Market Higher November 22, 2017 by Ian Dyer U.S. Economy An important thing to look at when gauging our economy is the overall consumer confidence outlook. Right now, that outlook is extremely positive.
The strong dollar can help you turbocharge a revenue-producing asset play. It's a play you should consider making … before it’s too late. Time Is Running Out to Turbocharge Your Investments November 20, 2017 by Ted Bauman Currency, Global Economy There's a way to turbocharge a revenue-producing asset play. It's a play you should consider making … before it’s too late.
The IoT tech trend, which our tech expert Paul   is always urging you to invest in, is clearly happening — and in big, paradigm-shifting ways. Bill Gates Just Put $80 Million Into This Tech Trend November 18, 2017 by Jessica Cohn Investment Opportunities The IoT tech trend, which our tech expert Paul is always urging you to invest in, is clearly happening — and in big, paradigm-shifting ways.

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