Latest Insights on ERF
Treason? Russia and the U.S. President July 17, 2018 Government & Politics What Trump did, and what he said, gives much more than comfort and aid to Russia, an obvious enemy of America and of freedom everywhere.
Gene Editing Will Make Spoiled Food a Thing of the Past July 10, 2018 Technology, Trending Of course, performing gene editing on humans and animals is understandably controversial. But with plants, we’ve already seen enormous benefits.
You Can’t Hate Big Government and Love Tariffs July 9, 2018 Government & Politics We decry the ways government attempts to intervene in social matters diminish our freedom. We should feel the same way about tariffs.
The Trade War Can’t Stop This Chinese Netflix From Soaring July 6, 2018 Global Economy The trade war between the United States and China might have rattled traders, but there are still ample opportunities to be found selling to China’s billions of middle-class citizens.
This Middle Eastern Stand Off Will Hit Your Wallet Hard July 6, 2018 Oil All eyes are on the trade war waging between the U.S. and China, but there’s an even bigger crisis brewing in the Middle East that’s going to hit your wall in way we haven’t seen since 2008.