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Chipmaker sand shortage Travolta meme small Sand Stashed, Virgin Crashed & Kohl’s Cashed
by Joseph Hargett March 5, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “I Don’t Like Sand” Edition I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. — Genesis, 22:17. And y’all thought I was going to quote Star Wars there, didn’t you? […]
Jack Sparrow pulling feedback chips shortage meme small Chips Ahoy, Depot Of Debt & Dividend Digest
by Joseph Hargett March 4, 2021 Great Stuff
Chips Ahoy! Ahoy, me hearties! Today, we be sailin’ the stormy seas of Reader Feedback. If ye be savvy enough to man the sails, ye too can join me crew o’ miscreants and scurvy dogs. That’s right ye too can join the fun o’ Great Stuff Reader Feedback. We answer all kinds o’ market, stock […]
Stonks only go up Rocket companies meme small Reddit’s Rocket, Virgin Territory & Fubar’d Fubo
by Joseph Hargett March 3, 2021 Great Stuff
Reddit’s Roaring Rocket Howdy, Great Ones! Are you ready for another foray into the great wide open? Today, we’re talking “meme” stocks again. Specifically, Rocket Companies (NYSE: ), the parent company of Rocket Mortgage, Rocket Loans and Quicken Loans. Now, as we all know, mortgages and loans are terribly exciting — emphasis on the terrible. […]
Time to Play the Reopening Trade Herd immunity will release the spending floodgates on services — here's a way to play the coming splurge.
New York City reopens theaters AMC meme small AMC’s Silver Screens; SPAC Lucid-ity and Elon Bites Bitcoin
by Joseph Hargett February 23, 2021 Great Stuff
Let’s All Go to the Movies? To go to the movies, or not to go to the movies? That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of judgmental people shaming you for going out to see the new Tom & Jerry movie, or to take masks and […]

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