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There is an uptrend that’s forming in one of my personal favorite commodities. And the trends line up for a double-digit move in the short term. Make a Quick Buck Off Our Coffee Obsession
by Matt Badiali September 15, 2017 Soft Commodities
There is an uptrend that’s forming in one of my personal favorite commodities. And the trends line up for a double-digit move in the short term.
Homebuilders Now Know How to Squeeze Consumers
by Michael Carr September 14, 2017 Real Estate
As hurricanes approached, gasoline demand increased as supply shrank, and prices rose. But sometimes price gouging is less obvious, as in the case of new homes.
Someday we’ll look back and say this event scrambled the global economic order … and put gold center stage in the geopolitical spotlight once again. The Secret Reason Why Gold Is a Buy
by Jeff Yastine September 13, 2017 Gold
Someday we’ll look back and say this event scrambled the global economic order … and put gold center stage in the geopolitical spotlight once again.
One critical metric says the end of this lengthy bull market is near. The Shiller P/E Ratio Reaches 30, Signaling a Coming Bear Market
by Jessica Cohn September 9, 2017 Stocks
One critical metric says the end of this lengthy bull market is near.
Investors are weighing difficult questions when it comes to the market. But you just need the right plan to get you through the next market correction. A Diversified Portfolio Helps You Weather the Storm
by Jocelynn Smith September 8, 2017 Investing
Investors are weighing difficult questions when it comes to the market. But you just need the right plan to get you through the next market correction.

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

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“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

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