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My Advice for Election 2018: Throw the Bums Out June 20, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy Elected Washington politicians have been anything but the “representatives” of we 327 million Americans. Keep that in mind when you vote on November 6.
The Bubble That Hasn’t Popped (Yet) June 16, 2018 U.S. Economy Americans owe record amounts on their credit cards, car loans, student loans and mortgages. But, as I’ll show you, there is a way to profit from the trend of rising consumer debt.
3 Biases Losing You Money Right Now June 16, 2018 Investing, Trading Strategies If you understand your knee-jerk investor biases, you’re primed to protect your wealth from yourself — and stay ahead of the curve.
Bill Gates Has $4.4. Billion Invested in EcoLab – Stocks to Watch June 13, 2018 Investing I was doing a search of the top insider stock buys when I learned about one of the names this famous billionaire loves...
Voice Recognition Has so Much More Room to Grow June 13, 2018 Economy, Technology Voice recognition technology is clearly already having an impact on how we live. And this chart takes that one step further by showing how much it can still grow.