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Big Data is an industry at a crucial tipping point. All of the information that’s currently stored and shared about the world didn’t even exist five years ago. Big Data: This is The Biggest Investment Boom of the Decade Big Data is an industry at a crucial tipping point. All of the information that’s currently stored and shared about the world didn’t even exist five years ago.
Great Stuff 8-23-2019 Chinese Tariffs & Trump Tweets Whipsaw the Stock Market
by Joseph Hargett August 23, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Jerome Powell Says “As You Wish” … Almost Fans of The Princess Bride know that the biggest classic blunder is getting involved in a land war in Asia. The second is betting against a Sicilian when death is on the line. After the events of this morning, I think we really must […]
Great Stuff 8-21-2019 Tesla Sets Walmart on Fire … Literally
by Joseph Hargett August 21, 2019 Great Stuff
Mr. Powell’s Wild Ride I’m exhausted. Are you exhausted? August has already seen the S&P 500 Index make eight moves of 1% or more. Eight! And the day’s not even over yet, let alone the month. Today, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its July 30–31 policy meeting. Wall Street will be scouring […]
Great Stuff 7-29-2019 The IRS Is Coming for Your Bitcoin Profits
by Joseph Hargett July 29, 2019 Great Stuff
Fear and Follies on Wall Street We’ve got an interesting week ahead of us. Between a potential Federal Reserve rate cut, Democrats running for president and the IRS going after bitcoin profits, we’ll either be laughing or crying by Friday. Tomorrow, the Federal Reserve begins its two-day meeting to decide how to screw up — […]
Great Stuff 7-24-2019 $5 Billion: Facebook’s Price for Your Privacy
by Joseph Hargett July 24, 2019 Great Stuff
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just smacked Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) in the face. The world’s largest social media company must shell out $5 billion in the biggest penalty the FTC has ever handed down. Why the big penalty? Remember Cambridge Analytica? You knew that wasn’t going away. The FTC is penalizing Facebook for how […]

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