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Don’t Miss This Essential Quarantine Stock The world is on lockdown, with only one thing to do: watch TV. That’s making the tech company that popularized streaming TV even stronger. That’s helped Netflix’s stock hold up during the crisis. But Chad Shoop sees a great short-term opportunity for investors looking to get in. Tune into his Bank It or Tank It series to find out how to play this stock.
3 Ways Americans Are Helping Each Other Survive Crisis There’s a lot of bad news out there. It’s a tough time for everyone. But despite all the struggles, people are still finding small ways to make a difference. Today, Kristen Barrett highlights heartwarming moments to help keep spirits up.
I wish I had better market news, but the truth hurts. Sure, it’s not as much as jumping on a bicycle without a seat, but it hurts. Jobs Vs. Corona; Drinking Constellations; Tesla Celebrations
by Joseph Hargett April 3, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Come on Get Happy” Edition It’s Friday, and everyone knows you gotta get down on Friday. You know, you’ve gotta be fresh? Gotta go downstairs … have a bowl of cereal? (With all the good music you reference, Mr. Great Stuff … Rebecca Black? Why? Just … why?) Yeah … about […]
The Biggest Bubble Ever Is Just Getting Started Someday, we’ll emerge from our homes, and the beginning of the mother of all financial bubbles will be upon us…
Fear Is Signaling a 260% Rally in Gold Miners Market fear maxed out in March. That offered a powerful signal for investors watching the gold space. A small group of stocks has already rallied 25%. But Anthony Planas shares with readers why this is only the start for the gold space.

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