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Why It’s Actually a Wonderful Time to Invest July 15, 2022 Economy, Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (1-minute read) Contrary to the fearful media headlines, it really isn’t the worst time to invest. In fact, some of the best opportunities are happening now…
Simmer-Down Sunday: Smoke From A Distant Juul Fire June 26, 2022 Great Stuff Who Will Save Your Lungs? The FDA’s living its life for you on TV. It says the Juul’s no good for you, and you agree. It says: “Hold those vape sales or wind up behind brick walls.” Says: “Come here, Altria, don’t care if you agree.” Another doctor’s bill, a lawyer’s bill. And here you […]
The Truth Behind Rising Gas Prices June 24, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, Oil In times of turmoil, people tend to point fingers at anything and anyone. And in today’s market, with two weeks of downtrends, increased interest rates and rising prices on gasoline …everyone's pointing fingers. But who’s to blame here, if anyone? Today I’ll be clearing the air on these gas price myths and setting the record straight on what the real issue is.
What to Do When the Easy Money Era Is Over June 4, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (4-minute read) Higher interest rates and rising inflation have investors throwing in the towel. Most are selling and want out at any price. But not us. Here’s why…
Nvidia’s Perception Problem, Macy’s Dresses The Part, Broadcom’s Big Bid May 26, 2022 Great Stuff The Nvidia Kneejerk Have mercy! I’ve been waitin’ for Wall Street all day. Have mercy! I’ve been waitin’ for Wall Street all day. I got my Nvidia (Nasdaq: ) earnings — and my take-home pay. Is this … ZZ Top? I think? It’s a deeper cut, sir, but it checks out. Great Ones, there hasn’t […]