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Costa Rica: Central America's Hidden Gem Costa Rica: Central America’s Hidden Gem
by Ted Bauman July 18, 2016 Offshore Solutions
People often wonder which countries are the best for relocation. The answer is usually: It depends. What do you want from a country? Have you considered Costa Rica?
American Government: Beyond the Big Two American Government: Beyond the Big Two U.S. voters have been led to believe that the only choices we have in government are Republican or Democrat. And yet, neither represents that view of America today. It’s time for something different.
Fuel for the Next Bear Market
by Chad Shoop July 1, 2016 U.S. Economy
This “most hated” bull market will soon become a hated bear market, and with margin debt rising unchecked, those with overleveraged accounts are going to get wiped out.
Could The Subprime Meltdown Happen Again & What Would it Look Like?
by Jeff Yastine June 21, 2016 U.S. Economy
After an eight-year hiatus, subprime mortgages are back. Now called non-prime to hide their ugly past, these loans are fueling a brand new housing bubble. What could go wrong?
The Long View to Swiss Prosperity
by Ted Bauman June 20, 2016 Offshore Solutions
A Swiss passport is among the most prized and hardest to obtain. But respect for Swiss sovereignty didn’t happen overnight … there are plenty of lessons to be learned here.

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