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Don’t Sell These Stocks
by Chad Shoop November 18, 2016 Investment Opportunities
Trump is inheriting a mess, including a monstrous amount of debt, slow growth and weak employment. It’s a high hurdle to overcome, meaning now’s not the time to bail on dividend stocks. It's time to buy them.
Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs
by Jeff Opdyke November 16, 2016 U.S. Economy
As the Internet of Things takes over, it will do more than provide convenience. It promises to steal nearly all existing jobs. Without change, this is bad news all around for pretty much all of us.
Freedom and the Better Angels of Our Nature The Better Angels of Our Nature
by Bob Bauman November 8, 2016 Government & Politics
America is justifiably frustrated this election. Freedom appears to have taken a back seat, but each of us has the innate ability to determine our own fate — a most prized individual liberty.
Inflation The Most Dangerous Chinese Export Inflation: The Most Dangerous Chinese Export
by Jeff Yastine November 1, 2016 Global Economy
There’s a new pattern emerging that’s going to change the economic ballgame. It’s called inflation, and while it’s been absent in recent years, it’s gaining a troubling foothold in China.
Eulogy for Democracy A Eulogy for Democracy
by Jeff Opdyke October 12, 2016 Government & Politics
In better days, America's capitalist democracy was the envy of the world. Now, however, it's dead ... and American voters are the ones who killed it.

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