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2017 Market Plan of Attack 2017 Market Plan of Attack
by Jocelynn Smith December 31, 2016 U.S. Economy
As we prepare to tick over to 2017, it’s important that we all take steps to break out of our comfort zones, expand our knowledge base, and take intelligent, calculated risks.
The Battle for Bonds The Battle for Bonds
by Jeff Opdyke December 28, 2016 U.S. Economy
Stocks have reached stupid valuations, and bonds are under assault from Fed rate hikes. So, here we are, at a point in history when down is far more likely for each than up.
When Quality of Life Collapses on Society When Quality of Life Collapses on Society
by Ted Bauman December 26, 2016 Offshore Living
Quality of life isn’t fixed in stone. Damaged societies can reform themselves. Thriving societies can fall apart. The question to ask is this: In which direction is your society heading?
Privacy Invasion Stop the Santa Lie Privacy Invasion: Stop the Santa Lie
by Jocelynn Smith December 24, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Privacy is a lie. We’ve been fed this idea since childhood. Santa is watching. Knows if you’ve been bad or good, and offers rewards for this violation. It’s time to draw a line.
The Fed's Debt Problem OP-ED: The Fed’s Debt & Traditional Yields Are Just The Beginning
by Chad Shoop December 15, 2016 Investment Opportunities
The latest rate hike may appear to bring traditional yield assets back into the mainstream. But the Fed has a debt problem, so don’t get your hopes up.

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