Nvidia’s Negative Nancies; Cannabis Coladas & Hypothetical HyperbolesFebruary 18, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Feedback: Nvidia’s Negative Nancies Are you ready, Great Ones? Aye, aye, captain! Now there’s the enthusiasm we need for a hearty helping of … drumroll please … Reader Feedback! Today’s the day when we dig through the Great Stuff inbox for those delectable morsels you send us on the daily. Then we chew them […]
Simmer-Down Sunday: The “Good Golly, Google!” EditionNovember 21, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffCan You Prove To Be … A Real Human Being? And a real hero? Great Ones, all you real human beans out there … we are humbly requesting your help. And if you choose to answer the call of duty, you are truly a real hero. Wait … is this the song from Drive? Like, […]
Apocalypse Someday, Nio Nerves and Forgetting FacebookNovember 5, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffMarket Apocalypse Now? Welcome to Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback day. This day is all about you our loyal readers. We answer your questions — market-related or not — and indulge in your rants. Why? Because Great Stuff has the best readers of any financial rag on the internet. It’s why we call you the Great […]
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