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Trade Wars Are Economic Self-Mutilation March 13, 2018 Economy International trade as economic conflict, also known as trade wars, creates a real threat to American profits and U.S. jobs.
In Times of Disunity, Remember Pearl Harbor December 5, 2017 Government & Politics What force galvanized that unique American unity that, with our allies, combined to defeat the Japanese and Nazi aggressors?
Thanksgiving and Its True Meaning November 23, 2017 Trending Despite our problems, we in America have much for which to be grateful. Thanksgiving reminds us that there always is hope that life can be better.
AT&T Is in a World of Hurt October 25, 2017 Stocks You would think AT&T would have learned its lessons by now. But once again, we find a tech company clinging to the status quo.
How My Algorithm Beat the Market 10 Times Over October 23, 2017 Trading Strategies Computers manage trillions of dollars in global stock markets. But the Alpha Stock Alert algorithm incorporates three things that the big boys don’t.