Kung Flu Crazy; Borg Assimilates Delphi; Apple Cooks up EarningsJanuary 28, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffKung Flu Crazy Another day, another virus story. Are you sick and tired of the “kung flu” yet? (Editor’s Note: If you’re sick and tired with the kung flu, please seek medical attention immediately.) After getting the sweats yesterday, the market appears to feel much better today. Much like you when you’re out of sick […]
4 Stocks to Buy Before the Ball DropsDecember 31, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffGreat Stuff Picks: The “Simply the Best” Edition By this point, everyone and their mother has offered up an opinion on the best stocks to own for 2020. Everyone, that is, except Great Stuff… Well, the wait is finally over. Today, I reveal the four stocks that you must own for 2020 and beyond. This […]
Tesla Is Going to $500 … or Not, WhateverDecember 6, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Four Play: The “Look at All Those Jobs” Edition (Did a friend forward you this email? If so, you owe them big-time! Seriously, this is Great Stuff. We don’t take that title lightly. After you’ve profusely thanked your friend, why not sign up for the free email today? It’s mostly painless. I promise.) After […]
Avoid Wall Street FOMO With These 2 RulesNovember 27, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffDo You Know Where Your Towel Is? Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Is your stomach prepared? I know you might be feeling a little bit queasy heading into the holiday break. The market is setting all-time highs. Optimism is growing on U.S.-China trade talks. However, we’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of the December 2018 sell-off. […]
AT&T Mystifies; Mattel Surprises; GE ElectrifiesOctober 30, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffAT&T’s Max Facepalm Yesterday, AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) unveiled a new streaming service that rocked the market and sent Netflix Inc.’s (Nasdaq: NFLX) stock plunging. That’s what I should have been able to tell you today. But, in classic AT&T style, the company still managed to put investors in a bind. HBO Max is AT&T’s […]
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