Latest Insights on FATE
The Surveillance State Is Here January 23, 2017 Privacy Invasion Can you trust the person across the counter from you? Dr. Mark Rettenmaier did, only to find a government informal collaborator, and now he’s paying the price.
The Better Angels of Our Nature November 8, 2016 Government & Politics America is justifiably frustrated this election. Freedom appears to have taken a back seat, but each of us has the innate ability to determine our own fate — a most prized individual liberty.
The 2016 Election: Hold Your Nose and Vote October 21, 2016 Government & Politics The 2016 election has been overshadowed with superfluous, irrelevant issues. And neither candidate promises to fix the real issues plaguing America...
Don't Overlook Russia October 19, 2016 Currency The consensus insists that an investment in Russia is ill-advised. But the country isn’t the scary beast we’re led to believe it is. It's simply a market misunderstood by much of the West.
A Time for Choosing July 4, 2016 Government & Politics Reagan once said that the average age of great civilizations is 200 years. If we want to avoid that fate, our country must unite to reassert our hard-won liberty and freedom.