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Welcome to Wall Street, where the corporate earnings reactions are made up … and the coronavirus doesn’t matter. Virus Shakeouts and Earnings Breakouts; Boeing Defies Gravity See No Virus, Hear No Virus, Speak No Virus Welcome to 2020, where the earnings reactions are made up … and the coronavirus doesn’t matter. That’s right, folks. The Wuhan coronavirus just passed 6,000 confirmed cases in mainland China — making it bigger and faster than SARS — and no one on Wall Street cares. […]
Wall Street realizes that it might have … maybe … perhaps … possibly overreacted to the coronavirus outbreak. Kung Flu Crazy; Borg Assimilates Delphi; Apple Cooks up Earnings
by Joseph Hargett January 28, 2020 Great Stuff
Kung Flu Crazy Another day, another virus story. Are you sick and tired of the “kung flu” yet? (Editor’s Note: If you’re sick and tired with the kung flu, please seek medical attention immediately.) After getting the sweats yesterday, the market appears to feel much better today. Much like you when you’re out of sick […]
The best thing an investor can do right now is not panic. Hunker down, hold what you can and wait. This too shall pass. Hong Kong Fluey; Airlines Clash; Chip Hopes Dashed Hong Kong Fluey It’s no secret that I like being right, dear readers. But not like this … not like this. The Wuhan coronavirus has spread to nearly 3,000 confirmed infections and close to 80 deaths. China has now quarantined 16 cities, issued a group-travel ban and a ban on eating wild meat in Wuhan. […]
China’s back, and the bears are gonna be in trouble. Hey la, hey la, China’s back. Iran’s Gone, Game On; Bed Bath & Buh-Bye
by Joseph Hargett January 9, 2020 Great Stuff
Bull Market: Game On! So, the latest Iranian conflict turned out to be a great big nothing-burger. We had an Iran War Cycle for about 48 hours, and then the whole thing was over. R.I.P. my nifty little chart. Today, Wall Street’s new hotness is the partial U.S.-China trade deal. You thought that was all […]
Dogs of the Dow The 10 New Dogs of the Dow The Dogs of the Dow are the highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Chad has developed a strategy to play the 10 biggest stocks in the Dow for huge gains in 2020.

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