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Natural gas prices should begin to head lower soon. And there’s a countertrade that could make us double-digit gains as the price falls… High Natural Gas Production & Capped Demand Spells Profits April 21, 2017 by Matt Badiali Investment Opportunities Natural gas prices should begin to head lower soon. And there’s a countertrade that could make us double-digit gains as the price falls…
The seeds are being sown for an offshore oil revival. In essence, the idea is to automate as much as possible and cut out as much human labor as possible. Offshore Oil: Back From the Dead? April 12, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Oil The seeds are being sown for an offshore oil revival. In essence, the idea is to automate as much as possible and cut out as much human labor as possible.
I expect the market price for gold to begin to rally in anticipation of a hyperdeflationary resolution of history’s greatest orgy of debt. The Rush for Gold Is Now April 11, 2017 by James Dale Davidson Gold I expect the market price for gold to begin to rally in anticipation of a hyperdeflationary resolution of history’s greatest orgy of debt.
Wall Street firms are also chasing their dreams with computing power. And what they’re dreaming of is obvious: making lots of money. Wall Street’s Wildest Dreams Come True April 11, 2017 by Michael Carr Trading Strategies Wall Street firms are chasing their dreams with computing power. And what they’re dreaming of is obvious: making lots of money.
I turned to you last week for feedback. I was curious if you felt your happiness in the U.S. was lessening — and, if so, were you considering alternatives? Create Your Escape Plan Now April 1, 2017 by Jessica Cohn U.S. Economy I turned to you last week for feedback. I was curious if you felt your happiness in the U.S. was lessening — and, if so, were you considering alternatives?

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