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Used Cars: A New Idea to Trade the Recession Used Cars: A New Idea to Trade the Recession A Fed survey shows 13% of low-income households plan to purchase a car soon, even in a recession. Time to trade this used-car dealer...
100 Years Led to This Fight…
by Charles Mizrahi September 20, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks
This will change the way you think about the mob.
Inflation or stagflation a Few Good Men meme. FedEx’s Truth Bomb, AutoZone’d Out & Grand Theft Take-Two
by Joseph Hargett September 19, 2022 Great Stuff
Mr. Smith Goes To Wall Street Great Ones, after this weekend’s rant from FedEx (NYSE: ) Founder and Chairman Fred Smith, I’m convinced that Wall Street doesn’t have the stomach for the truth. What truth does Mr. Smith speak? I don’t wanna spoil it, but let’s just say it’s about … stagflation! Dun dun duuun! […]
Cashing In as the Market Crashes No sense dressing it up… Stocks got wrecked this week. S&P 500 down almost 7%, and NASDAQ down almost 8%. Yet, with portfolios down across the board, my newest strategy continues to produce quick winners...
Why You Should Lean Bullish, Even in Bear Markets Why You Should Lean Bullish, Even in Bear Markets This surprising pattern has held since it was discovered in the 1960s. Options traders who ignore it today are missing out on major profits.

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