Latest Insights on ROG
The No. 1 Question: When to Sell Shares and Claim Profits January 22, 2020 Big Picture. Big Profits., Income, Retirement, Trading Strategies [4-minute read] Just as important as buying the right stocks is when to sell.
A Glitch in the Great Stuff Matrix January 14, 2020 Great Stuff If you’re reading this, there was a glitch in the matrix, I was visited by a white-bearded wizard with a ring and a quest … or I finally got my letter to Hogwarts.
U.S. Stocks Won’t Repeat the Last Decade — Look Here Instead January 14, 2020 Big Picture. Big Profits., Global Economy, Investment Opportunities, Stocks [3-minute read] In 2020, you’ll want to consider this cheap Asian market.
China’s Contagious Optimism; Oppenheimer Bombs Tesla Shorts January 13, 2020 Great Stuff Phase 1 Signing = Phase 1 Optimism It’s trade deal week! Are you excited? Yes, dear reader, the much-hyped “phase 1” U.S.-China trade deal will finally be signed this week. It’s about time, I must say. In case you’ve been trapped behind a wall, I put all the nitty-gritty details together in bullet points below […]
Meatless Macs Meet Missile Attacks January 8, 2020 Great Stuff Iran…Less Than Feared The funny thing about stock market sentiment? It applies to literally everything. For example, today I find myself discussing the bullish and bearish implications of last night’s Iranian missile attack. According to the financial media, Iran’s retaliation for the U.S. killing Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian military official, was deemed “less than […]