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$5 Billion: Facebook’s Price for Your Privacy July 24, 2019 Great Stuff The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just smacked Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) in the face. The world’s largest social media company must shell out $5 billion in the biggest penalty the FTC has ever handed down. Why the big penalty? Remember Cambridge Analytica? You knew that wasn’t going away. The FTC is penalizing Facebook for how […]
Massive Gains in 6 Days: Options Trading Magnifies Your Returns July 24, 2019 American Investor Today, Income, Investing The price of silver is up by 9%. But John Ross and Matt Badiali guided elite Banyan Hill members to 70% gains using their revolutionary system, “Buy on Black.” John shares exclusive insight on how this system outperforms simple stock gains. (2-minute read)
The $1 Billion 5G Deal With Intel Won’t Save Apple July 23, 2019 Great Stuff We get some interesting mail here at Great Stuff. You never know what’s going to show up in the inbox. I’ve seen everything from stock advice to insults to poetry. After last week’s Reader Feedback issue, I received a rather interesting question from Edward M.: In 30 years of financial writing, an economics writer […]
Your Simple Indicator for Triple-Digit Gains July 20, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Saturday News Letter Over the past few weeks, we’ve hinted about a new trading system from Matt Badiali, the editor of Real Wealth Strategist and Front Line Profits. You likely know Matt’s spent years researching the most profitable trends in natural resources and commodities. That deep knowledge has proven true one axiom of the broader markets. You see, […]
Biotech Boom: Grab Big Winners, Avoid the Flops July 20, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Jeff Yastine and Ted Bauman share their thoughts on one of the hottest sectors right now: biotech.