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Netflix password sharing Metallica Napster meme Netflix’s Password Pain, Lulu’s Victory Lap, P&G’s Productivity Pitch April 20, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Little Red Streaming Service Great Ones, I guess I should’ve known by the way CEO Reed Hastings parked his car sideways that it wouldn’t last. See, Netflix (Nasdaq: ) is the kinda company that believed in sharing passwords. Now, it’s love ‘em and leave ‘em fast. I guess I must be dumb. I had a […]
Move to earn crypto app Meet Your Fitness Goals With Move-to-Earn Cryptos April 20, 2022 by Andrew Prince Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily Back in 2019, I started training to run the 2020 Miami Marathon. My pace was decent during the marathon. But I wasn’t satisfied because I knew I could do better. A few weeks afterward, the world went into lockdown due to COVID-19. The gyms shut down. So running was the only way I could work […]
How My Favorite All-Weather Investment Skyrocketed $95 Billion April 20, 2022 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Income, Investment Opportunities “Man, we’re getting killed out there!” I’ve heard variants of that comment from formerly high-flying stock pickers recently. For nearly three years, investors and stock pickers alike rode a sentiment-driven wave of momentum to some of the highest price-to-earnings multiples in stock market history. With triple-digit gains all over the place, it was impossible not […]
Walmart "Holy Grail" Hydrogen Monty Python Meme Plug Powered Wally World, JNJ’s Unusual Guidance, Your Chips Needham April 19, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Shop Smart! Shop H-Mart! Great Ones, today we’re going to talk about Walmart (NYSE: ), Plug Power (Nasdaq: ) and lift trucks … 9,500 of them to be exact. That’s … oddly specific. Go on. Now, these lift trucks aren’t your grandfather’s lift trucks. They don’t run on smelly natural gas. Anyone who’s ever worked […]
Peloton raises prices subsidize failing company meme Peloton’s Problematic Promise, Banks Be Busted & DiDi’s Do Or Die April 18, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Punched, Right In The Peloton Great Ones, the saga of Peloton’s (Nasdaq: ) fall from grace continued on Friday. And if you’re wondering why we skipped over it … well, Friday Feedback is important, you know? Given that most of y’all probably aren’t holding PTON stock, Friday’s news probably doesn’t affect you. You aren’t holding […]

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