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Latest Insights on META

Vroom-Vroom! Palladium Hits 16-Year High! November 9, 2017 by Sean Brodrick Uncategorized I’m catching a flight to Vancouver, but I just have to get this out before I go. This morning, palladium climbed 1.1% to $1,023.70 an ounce. That’s its highest level since 2001. A SIXTEEN-YEAR high. Source: Wow! Palladium is only a couple hundred dollars away from catching up with gold. Gold is doing well […]
As prices drop and technology continues to advance, more companies and even residents are going to flock to renewable energy. Global Demand Is Surging for Renewable Energy November 8, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Investment Opportunities As prices drop and technology continues to advance, more companies and even residents are going to flock to renewable energy.
The Great Global Reflation Trade November 8, 2017 by Sean Brodrick Uncategorized A funny thing happened to commodities in October. They went up. All of ’em. Or nearly all. Enough that the CRB Index busted out like an escaped felon with nothing to lose. This index tracks a basket of 19 commodities. It’s energy-heavy – 33% by weight. But it is stuffed with everything from cocoa to […]
If the electric car market explodes, as most analysts believe, copper demand will as well. Tesla can’t make electric cars without copper… Tesla Can’t Make Electric Cars Without Copper November 3, 2017 by Matt Badiali Precious Metals If the electric car market explodes, as most analysts believe, copper demand will as well. Tesla can’t make electric cars without copper…
The Junior Mining Sector’s All-Time Lows Are Proof a Bull Market is Coming October 27, 2017 by Matt Badiali Precious Metals The previous run was the best market I’ve ever seen. I made hundreds of percent gains in just months. The coming bull market will make that look boring.

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