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I hope you’ve kept your powder dry, Great Ones. The time to go on a bullish buying spree is almost upon us … according to JPMorgan, at least. Bull Powder Primed; Apple Cores Intel; Cuckoo for Cocoa
by Joseph Hargett December 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Good Times, Bad Times In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to trade with a plan. Now I’ve reached the age, I’ve tried to use those investment tips the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way to the same old jam… Good times … bad […]
We asked you for DoorDash opinions, and boy, we got ‘em! Get the latest on the DoorDash IPO — and if should buy in when DASH goes public. DoorDash Rehash; I’m With the BAND; Uber’s Robo-Taxi No More
by Joseph Hargett November 19, 2020 Great Stuff
Knocking on Heaven’s Door(Dash) Great Ones … welcome to Reader Feedback day! If you happen to be new ‘round these parts, today’s the day that Great Stuff answers your questions, researches your investment ideas and indulges in your rants … whatever the topic may be. Seriously. Last week, we covered everything from artificial intelligence to […]
Don’t Chase Yield … Let It Chase You [4-minute read] Avoid the biggest mistake an income investor can make.
This Solar Energy Breakout Is Just Getting Started [13-minute video] Hear how to find the undervalued plays to ride the renewable wave to big profits.
What’s a biotech investor to do? Everyone and their mother is making a vaccine. Great Stuff has a quick rundown for you. The Amazing Vaccine Race; Great Stuff Picks Alert!
by Joseph Hargett July 7, 2020 Great Stuff
The Amazing Vaccine Race Today, we’re talking about vaccines! Particularly, we’re spotlighting Novavax Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) and its $1.6 billion award from the U.S. government. It truly is a major award … the biggest one yet to come from the White House’s Operation Warp Speed initiative. (I still think that should be our time travel […]

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