Bezos’ Saudi Blunder; NFLX Buffers; NIO ChundersJanuary 22, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffPhishing With Princes “This is soooo funny! Like and share to see what happens!” Few things in the English language get my blood boiling more than phrases like these. They come in emails, on Facebook posts, in direct messages and through texts. What’s even more infuriating is that people I know send this stuff to […]
Storming Area 51; Uber and WeWork “Almost Worthless”?September 20, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Four Play: The “Storm Area 51” Edition Are we alone in the galaxy? Today, some quirky millennials are going to try to answer this existential question — while “Naruto running” past government military security. It’s officially “Storm Area 51” day. This bizarre mess all started as a joke on Facebook. Millions of people signed […]
Yuan Currency to Rule Them All; Bitcoin Greater Than GoldAugust 5, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffAbove All … Don’t Panic I have to level with you. Making jokes and finding a positive spin on the market after this weekend isn’t fun. My heart breaks for the people in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. I live less than an hour from Dayton. I know some of the families affected. To […]
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