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Intel Is Still the King of the Semiconductor Market May 31, 2017 Investment Opportunities We couldn’t expect the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer to sit on its laurels for long. And this weekend, Intel fired back…
Take This Gift From Deutsche Bank May 31, 2017 Global Economy Banyan Hill has been the contrarian “voice in the wilderness” about Europe for some time now. But now the rest of the investment community is coming ‘round.
Brazil’s Turmoil = Opportunity May 30, 2017 Global Economy These days, when I say: “I like Brazil” … I find blank stares pretty much everywhere I go. However, I can understand the trepidation.
The Surprising Winner in Trump’s Budget May 30, 2017 Government & Politics There’s a good chance some of President Donald Trump's proposed budget will become policy. And every policy change creates winners and losers.
The Blueprints for a Power Shift in Oil May 30, 2017 Oil Engineers didn’t believe fracking would work on oil strata. Fortunately, American petroleum engineers made the leap, and U.S. oil production soared.