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One of the most common questions I get is: What should I buy today — silver or gold? Right now, I have a clearer answer for you than I usually do. Silver or Gold?
by Matt Badiali June 20, 2017 Gold
One of the most common questions I get is: What should I buy today — silver or gold? Right now, I have a clearer answer for you than I usually do.
A recent study found that most American retirement savers let the system decide for them how much to save based on the tax rules and their employers’ whims. The Thinking Person’s Retirement Choice
by Ted Bauman June 19, 2017 Retirement
A recent study found that most American retirement savers let the system decide for them how much to save based on the tax rules and their employers’ whims.
It’s that time of year again. No, not summertime. Time for earnings. And I’ve discovered a way to profit from earnings season that’s extremely lucrative. The 4 Most Important Times of the Year
by Chad Shoop June 19, 2017 Trading Strategies
It’s that time of year again. No, not summertime. Time for earnings. And I’ve discovered a way to profit from earnings season that’s extremely lucrative.
Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday. The ‘Dot Plot’ Confirms Bad News for Retirees
by Michael Carr June 19, 2017 Income
Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday.
As I listened to this couple gush about their retirement plans, it occurred to me that they had gamed the system. How to Game The Stock Market by Paying Attention to Earnings Reports
by Jessica Cohn June 17, 2017 Retirement
As I listened to this couple gush about their retirement plans, it occurred to me that they had gamed the system.

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"Since I started following your secret over your multiple publications, my $659,000 account is up to $715,000 in just 2 months. I’m up $56,000 in one month alone."

- Will O.

“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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