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America’s New Inflation Problem America’s New Inflation Problem
by Jeff Opdyke February 1, 2017 U.S. Economy
The U.S. economy is being steered by black swan president and economists with isolationist views. It’s an environment that breeds inflation and screams: “Buy gold!”
Banks Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb
by Jeff Opdyke January 25, 2017 U.S. Economy
Once “too big to fail” banks have grown so large that it raises a troubling question: Are they now effectively too big to save in the next financial crisis?
Nvidia: An Internet of Things Powerhouse An Internet of Things Powerhouse
by Joseph Hargett January 19, 2017 Stocks
The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer just a buzzword in tech circles. It is a tech revolution that researchers predict will top $373 billion in 2020.
Civil Forfeiture What’s Yours Is Theirs What’s Yours Is Theirs
by Ted Bauman January 16, 2017 Wealth Confiscation
Federal civil forfeiture proceeds rocketed 4,155% between 1986 and 2013. And it could get much worse if Trump gets his wish for U.S. attorney general.
Real Estate: Argentina’s Hidden Gem Argentina’s Hidden Gem
by Jeff Opdyke January 11, 2017 Real Estate
Comfortable living in a beautiful part of the world. Quiet and peaceful. Golf weather year-round. But that’s not the big reason why you should consider owning real estate in northern Argentina.

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