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how to evaluate a company before you invest How to Evaluate a Company Before You Invest January 9, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing, Stocks Every stock in your portfolio represents a small piece of a business. So it’s critical that you understand how that business operates before you invest in it. Today, Charles Mizrahi shows you how to research companies and, more importantly, determine if buying their stocks will put money in your pocket.
Why are award shows still a thing? Netflix and Disney show why this ancient Hollywood ritual doesn’t matter anymore. Netflix Catches the Golden Snub January 7, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Hollywood’s Irrelevant Awards So, the Golden Globes happened this weekend … and nobody cared. Granted, the award show happened in the middle of the U.S.-Iran escalation, so not many people were paying attention anyway. But now that the situation with Iran is starting to die down a bit on Wall Street … nope. No one […]
Dogs of the Dow The 10 New Dogs of the Dow January 7, 2020 by Chad Shoop American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities, U.S. Economy The Dogs of the Dow are the highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Chad has developed a strategy to play the 10 biggest stocks in the Dow for huge gains in 2020.
I know it’s traditional to start the new year with fireworks … but this isn’t what I expected. Tesla Targets Met; Gold and Oil Bets January 3, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “You Dropped a Bomb on Me” Edition I know it’s traditional to start the new year with fireworks … but this is not what I expected. I’m sure Great Stuff readers all know by now, but just in case you live a media-starved life, here’s the skinny. The U.S. conducted a […]
Investing Survival Guide for 2020 … and Beyond December 26, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Best of Series, Investing I want to show you a smart way to focus your energy and time when faced with the unknown of the new year. My tips will help you grow your wealth regardless of what the market throws at you.

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