Latest Insights on TRIP
Why I Told My Subscribers to Sell Tesla September 14, 2020 Stocks, Winning Investor Daily Our timing could not have been better. After selling the stock on September 2, Tesla plunged 34% over the next week.
Picking the Perfect Option September 11, 2020 Education, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters (5-minute read) We’ve talked about buying calls and puts, now it’s time to put it all together. How do you actually pick an option? How do you place an order with your broker? Options expert Chad Shoop dives in.
A Cult of Reader Feedback: Options, Shore Enough September 10, 2020 Great Stuff A Cult of Personality Look in my eyes, what do you see? It’s Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback day! I know your questions. I know your dreams. I know all the investments you want to see. I’m the cult of personality! Like Jerome Powell and Kennedy, I’m the cult of personality. OK. Enough of that. That’s […]
Market Breaks; Peloton Aches; Slack Quakes September 9, 2020 Great Stuff When the Market Breaks If they keep on buying, the market’s going to break. If they keep on buying, the market’s going to break. When the market breaks, I’ll have no place to stay… Buying? Did you not just see the market correction, Mr. Great Stuff? Correction? What correction? I saw the market righting itself […]
Spotting Triple-Digit Opportunities on the Downside September 4, 2020 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, Education, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters (4-minute read) Options expert Chad Shoop writes his second Weekly Options Corner. Today, he’s diving into put options. They should have a place in every portfolio. He’ll show you why.