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Latest Insights on IWM

How Peak Velocity Works: Comparing Momentum of Stocks or Markets September 5, 2018 by Michael Carr Investing Speculative positions like emerging market stocks perform the best in global bull markets. But that’s not happening right now.
Strong GDP Growth Screams: “Buy Stocks Now!” July 30, 2018 by Michael Carr Economy, Investment Opportunities Strong GDP growth is good for stocks. This means investors should consider aggressive positions for the next three months.
New Market Highs This Chart Shows That New Market Highs Are Coming Soon June 6, 2018 by Ian Dyer Economy, Investing There’s a very simple way of tracking demand in the market that most people overlook. And it's a sign that new market highs aren’t far ahead.
This Obscure Indicator Says Buy Small-Caps April 12, 2018 by Michael Carr Trading Strategies Small-caps lead the market. They fall the most in bear markets, and they gain the most in bull markets. That makes signals in small-caps important to watch.
I’m a cynic at heart. Despite my excitement, I had to ask myself … is the hype for Spotify stock really worth it? So today, let’s take a detailed look at this IPO to find out. The Largest Tech IPO of 2018 Is Overhyped February 3, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Investment Opportunities Let’s see why Spotify might not be worth the buzz quite yet…

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