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The Danger of the Fed’s Tall Tales
by Jeff Opdyke June 8, 2016 Gold
Don’t believe anything saying a rate hike is on the table in July. It’s not. The U.S. won’t see meaningfully higher rates for many years. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can avoid financial ruin.
Don't Buy the Panama Papers Panic Don’t Buy the Panama Papers Panic When it comes to the Panama Papers scandal, the media is tilting at windmills … targeting the wrong people for the wrong issues. But there are real issues here. Don’t be fooled by the smokescreen.
Image for Wall Street Interview With a Wall Street Insider
by Jeff Yastine February 2, 2016 Investing
Meet the latest addition to our team, a former Wall Street insider, and find out why he believes that there's always a bull market out there ... somewhere...

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