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Henry flagler - gilded new age tech boom Build Your Legacy in the Ultimate Tech Boom Henry Flagler built his legacy by developing the American frontier. But today we have a different kind of opportunity — the digital frontier.
These 5 Outliers Should Be on Every Trader’s Watchlist These 5 Outlier Stocks Should Be on Every Trader’s Watchlist It's a volatile market, but not for all stocks. That's why it pays to find the outlier stocks, so you don't get whipped around to nowhere...
AMD has the high ground underestimate Intel's goalposts meme small Apple Bottom Dreams, AMD Boots With The Fur
by Joseph Hargett July 28, 2021 Great Stuff
My Tech Summer (Shove It … Intel) Hey you, Intel (Nasdaq: ). Tell me when it’s over… Hey you, Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ). Guide me to shelter ‘cause I’m through when the nanometers hit the fan … and it’s summer. Shove it. Shove it. Shove it … Intel! Deftones, anyone? Anyone? Bueller? I’ll tell […]
Enter the “Options Matrix” to Understand How Big Money Trades When we dive into the options matrix, it's not always easy to see how the big money is trading. But if we keep this in mind, it gets easier.
Family Guy outta Robux again meme small Roblox Versus Grass, GM’s EV Spend-A-Thon & Peloton’s Pirate Problems
by Joseph Hargett June 16, 2021 Great Stuff
Roblox? More Like Woah-Blox Great Ones, y’all know I’m a lifelong gamer. I grew up in the ancient times of video games … back when our games came on 5.25-inch floppy disks … if they came on disks at all. Anyone else learn BASIC or Pascal just to program and play games on their Apple […]

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