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Wall Street thinks that stocks, like Sneetches, are all the same right now. But what happens when the unlimited stimulus rug is pulled out from under you? S&P Sneetches Say Stocks Shift the Same
by Joseph Hargett May 28, 2020 Great Stuff
Star-Belly Sneetches Today, we’re taking a trip back to childhood to discuss a famous Dr. Seuss story: The Sneetches. (Actually, we’re talking about the correlation of S&P 500 stocks … but you’ll see where I’m going with this shortly.) You see, Star-Belly Sneetches have stars on their bellies and Plain-Belly Sneetches have none. Then Sylvester […]
From comfort shopping to retail investing, Americans go stir-crazy during the pandemic lockdown. Lockdown Pastimes; Novavax Big Time; Travel Stocks Climb
by Joseph Hargett May 26, 2020 Great Stuff
Stir-Crazy Investors We’re all itching to get out and participate in the U.S. economy’s “Great Reopening.” If reports from the Memorial Day holiday weekend are any indication, some of us are a lot more eager than others … I’m looking at you Lake of the Ozarks partygoers. As the country reopens, now is an excellent […]
Wall Street is most certainly faking it right now. And that, dear reader, is why Great Stuff remains pert’near bearish on the entire shebang. Fake Markets, Shopify Targets and Tesla’s “Karen” Musk
by Joseph Hargett May 22, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Fake It Until You Make It” Edition It’s been a really really messed up week. Five days of bad data, five days of going nowhere. And the market went and cheated on me. It’s in the Fed’s back pocket and it doesn’t even matter. (La, la, la … whatever. La, la, […]
2 Ways to Play the Market Recovery (10-minute video) COVID-19 reset the economy in a big way. Weak companies got the stuffing knocked out of them, while businesses that were doing well before the outbreak continue to thrive. Today, Charles Mizrahi discusses two of those companies — and shows you why they’ll do even better once the economy fully reopens.
Wall Street bets big on a bullish tsunami after states embark on the Great Economic Reopening. Your results may vary… Wackos in China, Lowe’s Gets Low, Inovio’s Got Flow
by Joseph Hargett May 20, 2020 Great Stuff
You Can Run on for a Long Time Sooner or later, the market will cut you down. Despite the foreboding song of the day, we’re not talking about doom and gloom again today. With all the floods, plagues, fires, swarms of locusts and murder hornets, I just couldn’t resist a reference to the man in […]

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