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Turns out I’ve killed a few things in my life… 4 Industries Millennials Murdered July 8, 2017 by Jessica Cohn Investment Opportunities Turns out I’ve killed a few things in my life…
Where we are getting our energy has changed dramatically over the years, and that is creating an incredible opportunity for investors… Demand for Renewable Energy Skyrockets Around the Globe July 7, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Global Economy Where we are getting our energy has changed dramatically over the years, and that is creating an incredible opportunity for investors…
Demand for lithium is projected to skyrocket. And that poses a problem for the lithium market … and an opportunity for investors. The Lithium Bull Market Is Going Into Overdrive July 6, 2017 by Joseph Hargett Precious Metals Demand for lithium is projected to skyrocket. And that poses a problem for the lithium market … and an opportunity for investors.
A poll of economists tells us to expect a pretty good unemployment report this Friday. But other government data tell us to look for weak jobs data. Friday’s Unemployment Report Is Likely to Be Trouble for Stocks July 6, 2017 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy A poll of economists tells us to expect a pretty good unemployment report this Friday. But other government data tell us to look for weak jobs data.
The $2.7 billion fine against Google is the opening shot in a soon-to-erupt antitrust war that’s going to take down some of techland’s most dominant names. First Shot Fired in the Tech Antitrust War July 5, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Global Economy The $2.7 billion fine against Google is the opening shot in a soon-to-erupt antitrust war that’s going to take down some of techland’s most dominant names.

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