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Why Record-Low Jobless Claims Should Scare You September 24, 2018 U.S. Economy U.S. jobless claims are even lower than the headlines reveal. But there is some bad news: There are too many people working.
This Massive Tech Trend Is Set for Explosive Growth September 22, 2018 Technology If you want to know of a massive tech trend that will be sure to mint millionaires over the coming year, this is your answer.
All Indicators Suggest Crude Oil is Bullish September 20, 2018 Oil Something strange is occurring in crude oil futures. The peculiar action looks bullish even though the narrative is clear as mud...
Natural Disasters Create Opportunities for Investors September 19, 2018 Investment Opportunities Hurricane season is upon us. So is the trepidation that folks in the way of these storms feel. That said, these terrible events can also bring opportunity.
Amazon vs. Apple: The Battle of the $1 Trillion Companies September 19, 2018 Technology Amazon and Apple, the first U.S. $1 trillion companies, are all the rage in the financial media. But not all trillion-dollar companies are created equal.