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Bitcoin recently broke above $8,000. This means the price is up more than 110% since the start of the year. But it wasn’t always this easy. What’s Really Behind Bitcoin’s 110% Rally May 17, 2019 by Ian King Currency, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Bitcoin recently broke above $8,000. This means the price is up more than 110% since the start of the year. But it wasn’t always this easy.
The Great Walled-Off China May 16, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff The U.S.-China trade war has spawned a growing wall between the two countries. OK, it’s not really a wall. It’s more like a chain-link fence with lots of holes … and an unlocked gate … but that’s not the point! In addition to tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports, President Trump has added Huawei […]
What if I told you there is an investment on the market that allows you to buy a bunch of tech giants at a huge discount? How to Buy Tech Giants at a Discount May 16, 2019 by Brian Christopher Investment Opportunities, Stocks, Winning Investor Daily What if I told you there is an investment on the market that allows you to buy a bunch of tech giants at a huge discount?
Forget About U.S.-China Trade — the Future’s Elsewhere May 15, 2019 by Ted Bauman Global Economy, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily The way markets are reacting, you’d think U.S.-China trade was the only game in town. It isn’t.
Q2 Earnings: 1% Drop — 2 Ways to Play the Dip May 14, 2019 by Chad Shoop American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities Earnings are returning to normal for the second quarter. In April, the first quarter saw a 4.6% decline, diverging from the 1.7% five-year average of the S&P 500 Index. The 1% drop in the S&P 500’s second quarter lets investors sigh in relief, as expectations for the stock market return to normalcy. Investors will push stocks to new all-time highs because of this. Chad Shoop shares two ways for you to play the drop in the market. (4-minute read)

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