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What’s Really Behind Bitcoin’s 110% Rally May 17, 2019 Currency, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Bitcoin recently broke above $8,000. This means the price is up more than 110% since the start of the year. But it wasn’t always this easy.
The Great Walled-Off China May 16, 2019 Great Stuff The U.S.-China trade war has spawned a growing wall between the two countries. OK, it’s not really a wall. It’s more like a chain-link fence with lots of holes … and an unlocked gate … but that’s not the point! In addition to tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports, President Trump has added Huawei […]
How to Buy Tech Giants at a Discount May 16, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Stocks, Winning Investor Daily What if I told you there is an investment on the market that allows you to buy a bunch of tech giants at a huge discount?
Forget About U.S.-China Trade — the Future’s Elsewhere May 15, 2019 Global Economy, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily The way markets are reacting, you’d think U.S.-China trade was the only game in town.
It isn’t.
Q2 Earnings: 1% Drop — 2 Ways to Play the Dip May 14, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities Earnings are returning to normal for the second quarter. In April, the first quarter saw a 4.6% decline, diverging from the 1.7% five-year average of the S&P 500 Index. The 1% drop in the S&P 500’s second quarter lets investors sigh in relief, as expectations for the stock market return to normalcy. Investors will push stocks to new all-time highs because of this. Chad Shoop shares two ways for you to play the drop in the market. (4-minute read)