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Apple’s Rotten Truth June 4, 2019 Great Stuff Apple Inc.’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iTunes is dead. The iconic music software that helped drive iPod and iPhone sales is on the way out. Eighteen is such a young age to go. *Sniff* But it is a necessary death. iPhone sales have tanked for the past two quarters. Consumers just don’t see the point in paying more […]
XLK ETF: Jump Into the Computer Tech Sector Today June 4, 2019 American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities, Technology The stock market has been going through a volatility streak. Fear holds investors back and keeps them from profiting during bearish times. Chad Shoop doesn’t let fear hinder his gains. He talks about a strategy that has yielded high returns during the stock market’s volatility. (4-minute read)
The FTC Investigates Big Tech Companies Google and Amazon June 3, 2019 Great Stuff Big Tech and the government … they see your every move. Now these two juggernauts of information are going head-to-head in classic trust-busting fashion. The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched two investigations into Alphabet Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) — aka Google — for antitrust violations. Separately, The Washington Post said […]
Avoid Bitcoin’s Hype: Invest in VOO May 30, 2019 Uncategorized The bitcoin craze started back in 2009. Its share prices have been on a roller-coaster ride ever since. Charles Mizrahi talks about this cryptocurrency’s volatility, and why he believes it’s not a safe investment. (3-minute read)
How Mickey Mouse Financed Disney’s Future May 29, 2019 Government & Politics, Stocks, Winning Investor Daily Disney has had its ups and downs over the last 100 years. But it’s always had one thing on its side that kept its profits secure … until now.