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Revisiting Adam Smith’s Free Market: Is The System Rigged for Collusion? April 11, 2016 U.S. Economy Adam Smith is a favorite of free market advocates, but many only hear what they want and ignore the rest. With the free market far from free, it’s time to ask, “What would Adam Smith do?”
Protect Your Portfolio With a Broad-Market Put Option April 8, 2016 Trading Strategies Investors believe the economy is strong and that earnings are rebounding. This assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Protect yourself from what could be the worst quarter since the Great Recession.
The Red Dragon Roars While the Fed Waits April 6, 2016 Global Economy Despite much hand-wringing in the media, the economy is turning up again. While the Fed seems out of touch with economic data, China has emerged as the only adult in the room.
Trumping Freedom of Speech – If Trump Wins What Happens to The First Amendment? March 11, 2016 Government & Politics Donald Trump has shown a disregard for the Constitution throughout his campaign. But his latest diatribe should make you worry about your freedoms in the wake of the 2016 election.
No Security in Social Security March 4, 2016 Retirement Social Security is a train wreck. But even if you have planned well for Social Security's failure, there’s an investment strategy that will help shore up your retirement funds. And who couldn’t use a few hundred dollars extra a month?