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The Hidden Profits in AI February 15, 2017 Investment Opportunities A recent article in MIT Technology Review sheds light on the opportunities in artificial intelligence (AI) as yet another industry becomes robotized.
Caution: Potential Melt-Up Ahead February 14, 2017 Stocks Market analysts often misinterpret the data they’re reading. That’s what seems to be happening in small-cap stocks, or stocks of smaller companies.
The Trump Bump February 14, 2017 Stocks The ideas driving the Russell 2000 Index’s advance are similar to the ones driving larger-cap stocks — with one major exception.
Privacy and the Ghost in Your Machine February 11, 2017 Privacy Invasion Did you know your house is haunted? Well, it is if you bought a certain popular smart TV. This “ghost” captures 100 billion personal data points a day, and that info is up for sale.
The Stage Is Set for a Housing Market Comeback February 10, 2017 Investment Opportunities While doom-and-gloom headlines still reign, there are signs in recent economic data that the American dream of homeownership could be making a comeback.