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Both sides of the aisle finally agree on one thing: Debt and deficits no longer matter. Modern Monetary Theory: Debt’s New Justification Both sides of the aisle finally agree on one thing: Debt and deficits no longer matter.
"Clean" Energy: The Dirty Truth Natural Gas — An Unlikely Ally for Renewable Energy Advancements in tech will see the price of wind and solar fall another 20% to 30% over the next two years. The economics of renewables makes them a strong contestant for utilities. But it's the rise of another fuel source that will help incorporate renewables into our nation’s power grid.
There is a tech industry that you need to be paying attention to. People in the know are saying its rise to a trillion-dollar valuation is a matter of when, not if. Ride-Sharing Is the Next $1 Trillion Tech Industry There is an industry that you need to be paying attention to. People in the know are saying its rise to a trillion-dollar valuation is a matter of when, not if.
Nearly half the world has no access to the internet whatsoever. If you’re an internet provider, it means almost 4 billion people are potential new customers. Internet Providers Are Creating a Global Tech Boom Nearly half the world has no access to the internet whatsoever. If you’re an internet provider, it means almost 4 billion people are potential new customers.
It seems like China is a bad word in some places. But if everyone hates China today, it could be a great place to look for investment ideas. China’s Economy Has Room for Huge Growth in 2019 It seems like China is a bad word in some places. But if everyone hates China today, it could be a great place to look for investment ideas.

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