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Latest Insights on AMPL

The latest data shows the national birth rate hitting its highest levels since 1964 ... and researchers suggest it could be just the start of a bigger trend. Millennials’ Baby Boom = Profits The latest data shows the national birth rate hitting its highest levels since 1964 ... and researchers suggest it could be just the start of a bigger trend. Guns vs. Butter: Can America Afford to be the World’s Cop?
by Ted Bauman April 17, 2017 U.S. Economy
All of our annual income tax payments effectively go to the annual military budget. To be frank, I’m concerned about our country ending up like Rome.
Adapting to the New Economy
by Chad Shoop April 17, 2017 Trading Strategies
With all the changes in the market in the past few months, the coming shift is inevitable … and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
A Sweet Trade in Our Favorite Flavor
by Matt Badiali April 14, 2017 Soft Commodities
Cocoa prices are near an eight-year low. And as a natural resource investor, this kind of situation is a dream come true.
I expect the market price for gold to begin to rally in anticipation of a hyperdeflationary resolution of history’s greatest orgy of debt. The Rush for Gold Is Now
by James Dale Davidson April 11, 2017 Gold
I expect the market price for gold to begin to rally in anticipation of a hyperdeflationary resolution of history’s greatest orgy of debt.

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