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Image for U.S. dollar A Modest Proposal to Save the World
by Jeff Opdyke February 4, 2016 Global Economy
The strength of the dollar is causing trouble for the U.S. jobs market and for the entire global commodities market. There’s only one thing to do to end the chaos: Kill the U.S. dollar.
Image for tax season scams 3 Tips to Avoid Tax Season Scams
by Ted Bauman February 1, 2016 Taxes
Tax season is quickly approaching, and that means one thing: the return of scammers determined on seizing your wealth. Follow these tips to avoid being a target.
Image for China's market collapse The Chinese Market: A Sleeping Dragon or The Misunderstood Giant
by Jeff Opdyke January 20, 2016 Global Economy
The media has spread fear about China's market collapse for months, but it's time to look beyond the headlines. The numbers are in, and it's the U.S., not China, who's in trouble...
Image for trouble for American worker Is the American Worker Obsolete?
by Jeff Yastine January 12, 2016 U.S. Economy
In an attempt to increase their profit margins, multinational companies are looking to cut their labor costs, which may mean trouble for American workers...
Image for La Paloma, Uruguay How to Profit on the Dollar’s Strength By Investing Overseas (Uruguay)
by Ted Bauman January 11, 2016 Currency
The dollar is soaring now, but it won't last long. Before the buck falls, learn how you can take advantage of its temporary strength by investing offshore.

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