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The Fed’s Chokehold on Stocks October 26, 2022 Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters The Federal Reserve is dead set on raising interest rates to quench inflation. And once again, many consumers are feeling the pain of their buying power diminishing...
MAILBAG: Bear Market Tips, Central Bank Digital Currencies & More October 22, 2022 Investing, News, Technology, Trending, Winning Investor Daily This week on RAD: We share the results of last week's poll, and you shared your thoughts on central bank digital currencies (or CBDCs).
Pondering Put Selling, Snap’ed In Half & Amex’d Signals October 21, 2022 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Reader Feedback” Edition? Great Ones, you’re getting a two-for today! It’s Friday Four Play and Reader Feedback … two great tastes that I hope taste great together. Dude, this is finance … not Reese’s. Why not both? Come on, you know that’s what you love about Great Stuff. We all know […]
Why the Fed REALLY Wants a Central Bank Digital Currency October 14, 2022 Currency, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily In this video, Ian breaks down what CBDCs are, how they're different from cryptos, and why the Fed REALLY wants a digital currency to replace the dollar.
3 Problems With the Fed’s Digital Dollar October 12, 2022 Cryptocurrency, Currency, Winning Investor Daily The Fed is working on a "digital dollar," otherwise known as a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Here's 3 reasons why that's a bad idea.