Latest Insights on CERE
We Have a Debt Problem February 23, 2017 U.S. Economy In 1957, a dollar of debt produced $0.54 of additional income. No longer. Debt has increased more than twice as fast as the growth of the economy.
Inauguration Day January 19, 2017 Government & Politics Friday is Inauguration Day for Donald Trump. That word, “inauguration,” comes from the Latin original, meaning a “consecration or installment under good omens.” Let’s hope so!
Pokémon Go Privacy Invasion July 25, 2016 Privacy Invasion The wildly popular Pokémon Go app is the latest in free-to-play genre that’s turning you, your smartphone data and your private information into a commodity to be traded for profit.
Fake Jobs Plague the U.S. Economy June 18, 2016 U.S. Economy Were you convinced by the unemployment rate drop to 4.7% in May? That is what the government reported. But a closer look at the data reveals something else.
The Debt Problem No One’s Talking About May 27, 2016 U.S. Economy The financial media talks about massive government and private debt incessantly. But there is one rising debt load that no one is talking about, and it could bring about another market crash.