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Forget Tech Earnings — No. 1 Tech Stock to Buy (5-minute video) Charles Mizrahi’s video of the week takes on earnings season. Wall Street is trying to guess, and it’s failing. Today, Charles will show you how to avoid the Wall Street trap.
Tesla reported a stunning fourth profit in a row — and it’s now a shoe-in for the S&P 500. TSLA bears beware! Jobless Claims Rise; Tesla’s Surprise; Twitter Flies
by Joseph Hargett July 23, 2020 Great Stuff
Something Witty This Way Comes Welcome to Reader Feedback day here at Great Stuff! We’ll get to your questions and reply to your smart remarks in short order — seriously, some of you have potty mouths! But first, there are earnings reports, a few provisos, a couple quid pro quos to address: Weekly Jobless Claims […]
Tech Stock Rally: No. 1 Stock to Buy (9-minute read) In this week’s video, Charles Mizrahi has identified a sector that’s thriving even in the pandemic.
Slack contiues to struggle with massive competition. It’s time for Plan B: sue Microsoft. Slacking Off; United We Cough; iPick iRobot
by Joseph Hargett July 22, 2020 Great Stuff
Cutting Some Slack Once again, dear reader, I’m bored with this market. We’ve got China news. We’ve got COVID-19 news. It’s all the same old, same old for 2020. Or so I thought… Thank the market gods for Slack Technologies Inc. (NYSE: WORK). You should be familiar with Slack by now. If not, this California […]
A Lopsided Stock Market — Worse Than the 2000 Crash? (4-minute read) Five stocks are propping up the S&P 500 right now. The rest of the index is trailing. This isn’t a good sign.

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