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Latest Insights on TRIP

While the disruption in soy is well-covered by the media, the knock-on effects of the trade war will breathe new life into the struggling sugar sector. Why the Trade War Will Save Sugar
by Anthony Planas September 14, 2018 Soft Commodities
While the disruption in soy is well-covered by the media, the knock-on effects of the trade war will breathe new life into the struggling sugar sector.
Lithium prices in China are tanking. Prices are down nearly 50% since the first quarter. That is echoing through world markets. Watch out for Lithium’s Bear Market
by Anthony Planas September 7, 2018 Hard Commodities
Lithium prices in China are tanking. Prices are down nearly 50% since the first quarter. That is echoing through world markets.
Citigroup Increased Its Dividend More Than 30 Times The global leader Citigroup has increased its dividend more than 30 times since 2012. It makes sense to consider the stock at these levels.
More on Immigrants, Trump and the American Economy The White House has taken a harsh stand on illegal immigration, vowing to build a wall along the Mexican border, but also to cut legal immigration by half.
Your Broker Is Hiding This Win-Win Strategy From You This win-win stock market strategy may seem obscure to some of you, but it's well-known amongst hedge funds, wealthy investors and Wall Street.

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