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There are two critical rules to trading. Learn them. Know them. If you follow them, you’ll save yourself some massive headaches. Bouncing Biotechs; STAYing Power; Crypto Keynotes
by Joseph Hargett December 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Oh, Donna… Welcome back to Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback! As many of you already know, today is all about you the Great Stuff reader … or as we like to call you, the Great Ones. Pretty catchy, huh? Thought that up all by myself. Anyway, today we have questions and rants from David G. on […]
Are you ready for more Tesla stock on the market? Too bad — you get it anyway! $5 billion more in new TSLA shares to be precise. Tesla’s Rebel Yell; Apple Peddlers; Warner’s Worst
by Joseph Hargett December 8, 2020 Great Stuff
Tesla’s Rebel Yell In the midnight hour, Musk cried: “More! More! More!” With a rebel yell, he cried: “Five. Billion. More!” More, more, more! Are you ready for more Tesla (Nasdaq: )? Too bad — you get it anyway! CEO Elon Musk is about to roll out not a new Tesla model, but $5 billion […]
I hope you’ve kept your powder dry, Great Ones. The time to go on a bullish buying spree is almost upon us … according to JPMorgan, at least. Bull Powder Primed; Apple Cores Intel; Cuckoo for Cocoa
by Joseph Hargett December 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Good Times, Bad Times In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to trade with a plan. Now I’ve reached the age, I’ve tried to use those investment tips the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way to the same old jam… Good times … bad […]
Concerned about Chinese stock valuations and oversight? In the words of Tombstone’s Doc Holiday: “My hypocrisy goes only so far.” Valuate This! Cinema Showdown; DocuSigned, Sealed, Delivered
by Joseph Hargett December 4, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Red, Red Whine” Edition I’m feeling a bit ranty today, Great Ones. You’ve been warned. Yesterday, I talked about Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker Kandi Technologies (Nasdaq: ) and the concerns I have with investing in the stock. One of those concerns is the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, which would […]
Got questions about EV maker Kandi Technologies? I’ve got answers. If you’re a Kandi investor, you might not like those answers very much. Kandi Caught; DoorDash Deals; Options Starters
by Joseph Hargett December 3, 2020 Great Stuff
Kandi’d Camera Are you ready, kids? Aye, aye captain! Ohhhh, who answers reader feedback down in Kentucky? Mister Great Stuff! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! Mister … wait. What? Sorry, my kids are distance learning lately, and it’s a bit distracting. Today is Reader Feedback day at Great Stuff! The day we dig […]

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"You have done once again!! You are reminding me of the GREAT Joe DiMaggio with your consistent hitting!! You knocked this one out of the park!"

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