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Young Americans Are the Hope of Our Country June 5, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy In 2018, I realized the grave difficulties both of my grandsons and all young Americans face today. And these young Americans are very much concerned about their future.
Every Generation Must Fight to Protect Liberty May 28, 2018 Economy Memorial Day should be a day when Americans pause and truly honor those who died defending our liberties and our freedom.
This Enormous Tech Industry Will Get Much, Much Bigger May 23, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Technology This tech industry has been growing here in the United States at an exponential rate now for over a decade. But more recently, it has experienced huge growth overseas as well.
The U.S. Exit Tax & Expatriation Tax: What It Means for Your Income May 22, 2018 Economy, Taxes, U.S. Economy Many talented citizens of France, the U.K., the EU and other welfare states are going where they and their capital are treated best. But exit tax reform should start here in America.
Don’t Make This Retirement Mistake May 7, 2018 Investing, Real Estate There’s one key number that you’re using to calculate your retirement and there’s a good chance that it’s wrong. Don’t mistake price for value. Here's why.