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Great Stuff 8-22-2019 The Fed Fails to Strike Back & Counteract Market Fears
by Joseph Hargett August 22, 2019 Great Stuff
Revenge of the White House I love me some Star Wars. I bet you couldn’t tell. However, when the fictional space drama spills over into real life … it gets more than a little weird. We’re not talking the cool stuff, such as the Force, lightsabers or hyperspace travel. We’re talking about over-the-top character development. […]
Great Stuff 8-21-2019 Tesla Sets Walmart on Fire … Literally
by Joseph Hargett August 21, 2019 Great Stuff
Mr. Powell’s Wild Ride I’m exhausted. Are you exhausted? August has already seen the S&P 500 Index make eight moves of 1% or more. Eight! And the day’s not even over yet, let alone the month. Today, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its July 30–31 policy meeting. Wall Street will be scouring […]
Great Stuff 8-20-2018 Millennial Market Madness; Baidu’s Blowout; iQiyi’s Leftovers
by Joseph Hargett August 20, 2019 Great Stuff
Millennial Market Madness We have a problem in the market right now. It’s driving massive amounts of fear and panic. No, not U.S.-China tariffs … the other problem. Not slowing global economic growth … the other problem. Not the potential for General Electric Co.’s (NYSE: GE) crappy accounting to bring Wall Street to its knees […]
Great Stuff 8-16-2019 GEnron, Nvidia’s New Normal and Buying Greenland
by Joseph Hargett August 16, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: GEnron, Nvidia’s New Normal and Buying Greenland The word on the Street today is that the market’s rallying because of strong consumer spending. Well, rallying is a strong word. Bouncing, maybe? Pretty much any positive news is going to lift spirits at this point, and Wall Street is clinging tightly to any […]
Great Stuff 8-15-2019 Walmart Won’t Yield for the Inverted Curve; Alibaba Black Sheep
by Joseph Hargett August 15, 2019 Great Stuff
No Money, Mo’ Problems OK, class. Today, I’m going to try to learn you something. I’m sure you’ve heard that the Dow plunged more than 800 points yesterday — its biggest one-day loss of the year. The reason for that plunge was the inverted yield curve. You may have also heard from the financial media […]

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